Interested in polar or alpine research? Then you have come to the right place! We are the German National Committee of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS).
As a voluntary group of young polar researchers and enthusiasts we aim to create a vivid community for students, researchers, educators and others with interests in the wider cryosphere. We organise opportunities for career development, promote education and outreach and are committed to making the polar sciences a welcoming and inclusive place for all. It is free and easy to join our community!
News & Updates
PolarWeek 2020: Polar Film Fest, 22nd September, Telegrafenberg Potsdam
APECS International Polar Week September 2020 is coming up soon. Let’s enjoy a week of Polar Science from a lot of different perspectives starting on September 20. Check the Polar…
APECS Germany #PolarWeek Comics
One of the goals of APECS is to enhance the visibility of early career researchers and their research. Our board member Marek had a great idea at how to achieve…
Polar Week 2020
(image credits: Johanna Grabow, created with canva) APECS International Polar Week March 2020 is coming up soon and APECS Germany is excited to be contributing again! From the 16 to…
Upcoming events
- Fr, 06.09 (4 pm) APECS Germany board meeting
- 16.-20.09 29. International Polartagung der DGP in Rauris, Austria including an ECS workshop organised by APECS Germany and Austrian colleagues