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last edited: December 06, 2023

Here we have an incomplete (!) list of scholarships, grants, and other opportunities to seek funding in Germany and abroad. It is a random list for different stages of your academic career for different projects (fieldwork, PhD or PostDoc projects, starting your own group …). That could mean that you are only in part eligible to apply, so please check for yourself for eligibility, deadlines etc.

Disclaimer: We know there is a bias as we don’t cover all regions of the world! Most items are on the list from people talking about their own experiences.

Our list evolved from attending a workshop on Funding Options at EGU2022 and the Early Career workshop of the EU Horizon 2020 project TiPACCs.

At the bottom you can find a section on Commonly asked questions concerning funding.

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    Nicola, Loebel and Zuhr 2022

    Please also check out:

    Sketch from Nicola, Loebel and Zuhr 2022.


    To read more about the topic, check out our new publication Nicola, Loebel and Zuhr (2022) in the DGP Journal Polarforschung.

    Funding options in Germany

    PhD scholarships 🎓


    Commonly asked questions

    We here present questions we have encountered on various occasions, including our Let’s talk funding seminar on December 1st 2022. The answers are written to the best knowledge of our board members and seminar panelists. If you think something should be mentioned below, please drop us an e-mail!

    First, it can be useful to check what you are looking for. Do you search for a post-doctoral position? Do you want your conference stay covered? Do you search for a PhD scholarship?

    A good starting point is hopefully our overview on this page or other funding databases. Make sure to subscribe to mailingslists, such as cryolist, to stay informed about new calls or open positions. Being on Twitter or other social media and following scientists in your desired field could help too.

    In Germany, there are a few foundations that offer PhD scholarships (see above) to which you can apply for funding. When you have a great idea and a professor who doesn’t have an open position, but would supervise you, you can try your luck there. Applications to these foundations normally entail a grant proposal in which you lay out your project idea, explain the theoretical background and proposed methods, show your relevance of your topic and offer a potential time plan of your PhD project.

    Even if you are applying to a grant in e.g. Germany, it does not necessarily mean that your proposal has to be written in German.  As the language of (polar) science is English, most applications allow you to write a proposal in English. It however depends where you apply and you should definitely check the requirements before starting your preparations.

    The reporting period depends on your project and funding agency. For PhD scholarships you likely have to write a progress report every year to get your funding extended. Some other agencies, such as the DFG, may additionally ask you to participate in a workshop presenting your work to other people. In structured PhD programs you might have a panel meeting every 6 months, but in most cases your funding does not depend on the meetings then.