We are the German branch ...
The Germany national committee of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) was established in Juli 2016. Currently we unite an ever-growing number of member, from aspring undergraduated to Masters and PhD students, postdoctoral researcher, recent faculty appointees and other with interest in the polar regions.
The aims of the APECS Germany are threefold:
- Provide networking between and support for early career polar researchers
- Education and outreach with regards to polar issues to young people and the general public
- Spread information via newsletters, social media and this website – including past events and photos
We want to provide equal opportunities to all our members and advocate for equality and diversity in the early career polar research community. We welcome everyone to our activities and aim to create spaces accessible for all and free from discrimination. We are always eager to do more and are open to criticism, so please contact us if you have any ideas or concerns regarding equality and diversity.
Our Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure can be found here. We recently updated our Terms of References and Rules of Procedure, the German translation is not updated yet. We are sorry for any inconveniences.
Please also find our Letter of Agreement in English (and an older version in German).
Our board members represent APECS Germany in the following capacities:
... of the international Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is an international and interdisciplinary organization for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, early career faculty members, early career professionals, educators and others with interests in Polar and Alpine regions and the wider cryosphere.
The APECS structure is organised in different groups. The executive committeee (Excom) is responsible for working with the APECS members, advisors and partner organizations to continue to develop APECS to be a resource for early career scientists interested in the polar and cryospheric regions. It works closely with the APECS International Directorate Office and is responsible for guiding the organisation, helping to set priorities, assuring the directions and goals of APECS, making decisions on the approval of new projects and Council members and representing APECS at events around the world. The APECS Council is the larger of the two leadership committees of APECS. It contributes to the smooth implementation of APECS activities and links APECS to current research activities, polar research communities, and international science groups .
APECS Germany is one of many national committees and interacts with the ExCom, the council and the directorate to ensure that APECS directions and objectives are implemented.