Our “Let’s Talk … !” seminar series is designed to share experiences, advice and resources, and to provide a casual space for early career scientists to get answers as well as talk about the things that are on our mind. Every few months we choose a topic and invite experienced panelists to share their stories and perspectives. Additionally, these events have been incredible sources of information, which is why one outcome of them are resources pages on our website to make this knowledge more accessible and long-lasting.
Note: Our “Let’s talk!” seminars cover personal subjects and experiences of our panelists and other participants. We therefore ask everyone to be respectful and will enforce boundaries if needed. The seminars will not be recorded.
The seminars are held in English.
Past events
Updated soon.
Updated soon.
In January 2024 we talked about different career paths in the polar sicence. We were be joined by four panelists who shared their thoughts and experience.
Summary of the seminar.
In May 2023 we talked about being queer in Polar Sciences at the start of the “Pride Season”. We were be joined by a diverse group of panelists who shared their thoughts and experience. Topics included fieldwork, moving countries, workplace culture and how to influence it, and more.
Summary of the seminar.
Ressource collection
In March we talked about Having Kids in Polar Sciences. We were joined by a diverse group of panelists who will shared their experience and considerations of having, not having or not yet having kids in their polar science career.
Short summary on our website
How can I finance my PhD, PostDoc or my fieldwork campaign? Where can I search for funding? What does it take to write a good grant proposal? Joined by a group of panelists discussing their funding journey, you’ll get insights into the funding landscape for Early Career Researchers in Germany and abroad, best practices and have a casual chat about your questions!
Sketch from Nicola, Loebel and Zuhr 2022.
More information:
Publication on the topic of funding: “Money makes the world go round – funding landscape for early-career scientists in Germany” (Nicola et al., 2022)
Summary of the workshop: Link
Our funding Resources
Despite the current situation, fieldwork is in the minds of early career polar researchers; it is very often a fundamental part of polar sciences as it allows the collection of samples and data that will be the basis of a research project – for example, a PhD thesis. However, it can be intimidating to go on the field, especially in an extreme environment, for the first time … “What should I bring? How is it to live with people for days? Am I gonna be cold?”. Thus, allowing the exchange of experience, knowledge, and tips, as well as helping early career researchers to be in contact with their peers, was our goal for “Let’s Talk Fieldwork”.
More information:
Publication on the topic of fieldwork: Let’s talk fieldwork: early-career scientists sharing practical knowledge about polar fieldwork (Loebel et al., 2022)
Our fieldwork Resources