One of the goals of APECS is to enhance the visibility of early career researchers and their research. Our board member Marek had a great idea at how to achieve this goal:
Due to this goal and a growing interest in science communication within the APECS Germany Board, I decided to create small four panel comics from scientific publications from early career researchers and publish them during the Polar Week in March 2020. I wanted to see how manageable it is to boil down the core findings of a paper. Therefore, we made a call for papers on the APECS Germany mailing list. It was difficult to select suitable papers from the submitted ones. The goal was to cover a variety of different topics of polar research, but I still needed to be able to understand enough of the science to create the comics.
The result are three different topics, covering the impact of sea ice cover change on indigenous people, the characteristics of food-searching missions of Southern elephant seals and the advantages of combining two satellite data sets.
We want to thank all early career researchers, who contributed a paper. I am thankful for the possibility of exploring an other field of science communication. We as APECS look forward to continue creating more visibility of early career research.