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ECS Workshop planned for the 29th International Polar Conference in Rauris, Austria

The 29th International Polar Conference “Dynamic Poles and High Mountain Environments” will take place from 16 to 20 September 2024 at the Mesnerhaus in Rauris, Austria. The conference is jointly organised by the German Society for Polar Research (DGP) and the Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI) and will offer plenty of space for intensive discussions for polar and high mountain enthusiasts with scientific presentations and an extensive poster session.

Together with Early Career Scientists (ECS) from APRI, APECS Germany is organising a workshop for ECS to kick-off the conference and to provide a first networking opportunity. Will we see you there?

On Sunday, 15th September 2024, we will meet at 5 pm at the conference venue for an interactive workshop on “How do I get my first or next job in Polar Science?”. With experienced guests, we will discuss questions like

  • What do people look for in applications for PhD or PostDoc positions?
  • Which skills are most important?
  • And how do I find a suitable project?

After the workshop, we will all go to have dinner together and to get to know each other more.

More information on the conference 👉

Abstract submission (Extended Deadline June 14th) 👉